
{Frequently asked questions and answers


{February 12, 2023

Ignaz Kellerer

This document lists some frequently asked questions and tries to give answers. Its intention is to help new users and to reduce the amount of news that most experienced users don’t like to read anymore.

Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim and modified copies of this document following the terms of the “GNU General Public License” provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.

The author gives absolutely no warranty that the answers given here are correct. Many of them were contributed by other users and I cannot even make marginal checks. If you think that something should be changed, please tell me. Suggestions, contributions, new answers, critics, flames (oh, how I like this ‘nil:’ :-) are rather welcome.

Please notice that there are many questions that aren’t answered yet, even more: Whole sections that remain empty! I feel that I cannot give satisfying answers. So it’s your turn: Fill the gaps and tell me what i should include into this document!

\input texinfo

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The Amiga-FAQ archive

The Amiga-FAQ is available in different formats: Ascii format (which is posted to the nets) AmigaGuide format (which is the adequate format on the Amiga) and in dvi format (to be printed). Additionally there is some stuff, that might be useful or interesting, but could not be included into the Amiga-FAQ:

txt/amiga.history       On the Amiga's history
txt/story.txt           The Commodore story (or: the Tramiel
                        story ;-)
txt/amiga.newsgroups    Overview on comp.sys.amiga.*
txt/amiga.sites         List of FTP sites
txt/AmigaOverview.tex   A short overview on the Amiga-Soft- and
txt/Hardware.tips       For those people who can't live without solder
src/JWSplit.c           The source of a file splitter
src/JWJoin.c            The opponent to JWSplit
src/addtoc.c            Utility to add a toc to texinfo-created docs
                        (this document uses it)
programmers/*           Some stuff for programmers: pragmas, vararg
                        versions of some tag functions and some
                        amiga.lib functions (HookEntry, DoMethod)

I decided to collect these in the Amiga-FAQ archive. It is called AmigaFAQ.lha and can be found on Aminet, directory ‘docs/misc’.

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This FAQ can neither get useful nor hit further development without your help. Suggestions, contributions, new answers, critics, anything is rather welcome.

Please note, that very major subjects are absolutely missing yet: Nothing about sound, nothing on graphic cards, no Animation. These are some of the Amiga’s best points! But I don’t know them … :-(

So grab your keyboard (Your pencil? Well, if there’s no other way…) and send mail to:

      Ignaz Kellerer
      Georg-Habel-Str. 11
81241 Munich (Germany)
      Tel. (+49) 089 / 885147

      Internet: kellerer@informatik.tu-muenchen.de

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My thanks go to:

Reinhard Spisser and Sebastiano Vigna

for the Amiga version of texinfo. This is written with it.

The Free Software Foundation

for the original version of texinfo and many other excellent programs.

Dylan McNamee

for contributing the sections on Editors, Word Processors, DTP and Postscript and some wording fixes.

Joseph Luk

for help in the section on chunky/planar, double buffering and PAL/NTSC

Urban Dominik Mueller

for the FAQ on FTP and Mail-servers.

Lars Hecking (lhecking@nmrc.ucc.ie)
Philippe Brand (phb@colombo.telesys-innov.fr)

for the complete gcc part

Jochen Wiedmann (zrawi01@decap2.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de)

for the composition and posting of the Amiga FAQ until July 1994.

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